New Fall-Winter Collection
New Fall-Winter Collection
I've had a passport since I was 6 months old, lived in Germany as a young child, and have visited 41 out of 50 states, as well as 4 out of 7 continents, including Australia.
I have an unusual talent of remembering almost every line of a song after I have heard it played at least two times. This superpower comes in handy for karaoke.
I've wanted to be a published author since I was 13 years old, when I begged my parents to pay for a writing coach class for me. My dream came true in 2023.
I consider myself an extroverted introvert-such that I can fill up a room with my laughter at a networking event, but I need lots of quiet time to unwind and recharge.
I began writing in the architecture/engineering/construction (A/E/C) industry back in 2008 at what was then called McGraw-Hill Construction in Washington D.C. (now Dodge Data &Analytics), for their SmartMarket Report series.
I was fortunate enough to interview owners, architects, contractors and consulting engineering firms about the impacts their building projects have had on the surrounding communities and the environment. It was at McGraw-Hill Construction, where I was inspired to achieve my LEED AP, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional, in April 2009 through the U.S. Green Building Council while in Washington D.C.
I then moved to Denver, Colorado and began working as a marketing coordinator at Farnsworth Group, a consulting engineering and surveying firm, and later at klipp architecture, a division of gkkworks, (now Cannon Design) as the Marketing and Business Development Specialist, before starting Business Rewritten in 2015.
I don't cook, but I love fresh pasta.
Warning: You will never eat boxed pasta again.
I can be very sarcastic and find that humor breaks the ice quickly.
My email signature often includes dates for my next adventure when I am out of the office.
I've had a subscription to Apple Music since 2015 and have playlists for every daily activity.
Want to actually win an award for your project or for yourself?
Order your copy of Julie Wanzer's latest book, Get Them to Care
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